Professional Research Nationwide
Courthouse Specialist / CourthouseDirect.com provides our customers with fast, accurate and affordable research of public records. We provide Professional Land Title abstracting and public records research for surveyors, engineers, attorneys, financial institutions and real estate professionals nationwide.
We specialize in providing professional research to determine ownerships, lien holders, easements, deed restrictions, road right of ways, adjoiners, property descriptions and other in-depth research.
Our projects range from determining single ownerships of property to providing title research for pipeline and right of way projects over multiple counties and states. Our clientele include city, county and state governmental entities along with major law, engineering, surveying, credit, banking, private investigation, development, and appraisal firms.
With more than 30 years in the business of providing in-depth title research, our goal continues to be to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations of Quality, Price and Delivery of courthouse research.
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